Mar 2030 – Bivalve Hatchery 2.0
The operation aims to reinforce the distinctive and unique character of Oceano Fresco's cultivation process.
Mar 2030 – Open Sea Bivalve Farm 2.0
The operation aims to optimize the structure and production process of the open sea farm.
PRR – Blue Bioeconomy Pact – Bivalves Vertical – Oceano Fresco
With the aim of creating methods, processes and tools to improve and maximize the cultivation of bivalves in the open sea, Oceano Fresco is part of Vertical Bivalves, one of the 7 sectors of the Blue Bioeconomy Pact, which aims to achieve a regenerative aquaculture of bivalves which uses innovative approaches to cultivate high-value European species and is overall led by Oceano Fresco.
ATLANTICLAM – Bring Euro-native clam species from 'farm to fork'
The ATLANTICLAM project aims to develop and introduce innovations throughout the euro-native clam value chain, from “farm to plate”, in an integrated, differentiated and consumer-oriented approach, promoting the consumption of a sustainable, healthy and tasty food, contributing to combating climate change and fostering the blue economy.
Increase in the productive capacity and energy efficiency of the BioMarinho Center
This investment project focuses on the modernization of the clam seed production unit and the installation of systems to improve energy efficiency, namely to increase production and R&D capacity and consequently increase the competitiveness of Oceano Fresco.
EUROCLAM: Unlocking the potential of Europe's native bivalve species through science-driven aquaculture
In the EUROCLAM project, state-of-the-art methods are applied for the improvement of high-value mollusc species, native to Europe, namely the varieties Ruditapes decussatus (boa clam) and Venerupis corrugata (macha clam), bringing products back to the market for which there is a great demand, but which face an ever-decreasing supply precisely due to the challenges that this project addresses, namely the lack of seed and genetically more capable populations that can be massively cultivated. Along the way, we will genetically strengthen premium mollusk species that would otherwise disappear in the coming years.
INOVAmêijoa: from maternity to nursery: Innovation in the integral cultivation of boa clam (R. decussatus) and black clam (V. corrugata)
Strengthen research, technological development and innovation.
Specific Support Inherent to the COVID-19 Outbreak
This investment project was implemented in order to respond to the recommendations proposed by the Directorate-General for Health, namely those contained in Guideline No. 006/2020, of February 26, specifically addressed to companies and materializing the Guidelines of the Minister of Mar for the acquisition of personal protection and disinfection equipment and materials.
Tools4Breed – Challenge tests and genetic markers for Perkinsus as a tool for Rudipates decussatus' selective breeding
To develop selection tools for Perkinsus-resistant R. decussatus, applicable in the species breeding program.
Salt Sea – Shellfish Production
Situated in the context of the development of new and more innovative shellfish aquaculture units, the present Puro Mar project aims to install a set of semi-submerged "long-line" structures in the open sea (off-shore) with a production system in submerged lanterns. At present, the off-shore shellfish units operating in the Algarve sea produce almost exclusively Japanese oyster (C. gigas) and mussels.
Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources
Strengthen research, technological development and innovation.
Digitization in aquaculture to optimize the production of native species of bivalves
Make available on the market native species of bivalves of high gastronomic and commercial value at a competitive cost.
Bivalves Maternity – Oceano Fresco
Strengthen the competitiveness of the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
H2020 SME Innovation Associate
Develop an operational breeding program for Ruditapes decussatus.
SEMEAR: Development of a selective breeding program for *Ruditapes decussatus* (Boa Clam) and optimization of production conditions in a high-performance hatchery.
This project intends to obtain organisms that are more resistant to abiotic alterations, such as salinity and temperature, and biotic ones, such as the parasite
Perkinsus olseni, through selective breeding of this clam species. Subsequently, it intends to optimize the growth conditions of these seeds in maternity, define the characteristics of a high-yield maternity and finally validate the knowledge developed in an adapted pre-existing industrial maternity.
Elaboration of Business Plan
This project aims to develop a Business Plan that will allow Oceano Fresco to support the definition of a development strategy focused on markets with greater potential and on the definition of
technical services best suited to the needs of its target customers: fish farmers worldwide.