Mar 2030 – Bivalve Hatchery 2.0

Mar 2030 – Open Sea Bivalve Farm 2.0

PRR – Blue Bioeconomy Pact – Bivalves Vertical – Oceano Fresco

ATLANTICLAM – Bring Euro-native clam species from 'farm to fork'

Increase in the productive capacity and energy efficiency of the BioMarinho Center

EUROCLAM: Unlocking the potential of Europe's native bivalve species through science-driven aquaculture

INOVAmêijoa: from maternity to nursery: Innovation in the integral cultivation of boa clam (R. decussatus) and black clam (V. corrugata)

Specific Support Inherent to the COVID-19 Outbreak

Tools4Breed – Challenge tests and genetic markers for Perkinsus as a tool for Rudipates decussatus' selective breeding

Salt Sea – Shellfish Production

Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources

Digitization in aquaculture to optimize the production of native species of bivalves

Bivalves Maternity – Oceano Fresco

H2020 SME Innovation Associate

SEMEAR: Development of a selective breeding program for *Ruditapes decussatus* (Boa Clam) and optimization of production conditions in a high-performance hatchery.

Elaboration of Business Plan